Sunday, August 17, 2008

So what's the big deal?

Everyone is yelling at me to write, but when I sit down without someONE to write to, then it seems like a fruitless venture to me, not to mention the fact that it seems a monumentally boring project to dream up something to blabber about when I don't have a real purpose for blabbering, or an audience to blabber to.

So there.

I'm an emailer, and it seems that should be good enough for everyone. Who is everyone? My emaily friends; and shouldn't they be happy enough that I email them frequently with little quips of things that go on in my relatively uneventful life? Or, is it that they are sick of getting the long emails and would rather I stick to a blog page, get my tapping out that way and leave them alone? I just don't know. Perhaps it will be helpful to record events that strike me as humorous and have it somewhere as fodder for a future something or other. Jen seems to excel at tapping endlessly and coming up with stuff to sell. I wouldn't mind making the odd dollar here and there, if an opportunity presented itself, but mostly, I guess I just feel compelled to write, because I love word imagery, and more, I like to make my friendies laugh. I have some very excellent friends carrying some heavy burdens and if I can do a little something to make a smile happen in their day, it makes me very happy.

That's enough for now. I need to go check my email and see if anyone's given me a reason to write them back......


Jen said...

I think...I THINK...behind some of that complaining you got to the heart of the matter. Your a lovely writer, sister, and the fact that you now have a format to share it on a wider scale is a great, great thing. Can't wait to see what inspires you!

Unknown said...

All of us who recieved this blog notification are fully convinced that you are a gifted writer. Unusually gifted. And, you're intro here did a very nice job of expressing your hesitation to step into any limelite for any reason. Nicely humble, you are.

So, here's to hoping that you will somehow be inspired, even when there's no immediate 'target'. When you write, just think of all of our little noggins, because we're all going to read it. :-)

jenchiu said...

Your blog is the best thing since nutella. I'm all caught up now and begging for more. If you run out of reason to write, my inbox opens its arms. MORE MORE MORE!