Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Who's with me here?

I hope this finds you all well and thriving in your various environments. I've had lots of things twirling in my brain; a dangerous volume teetering on overload, thus the radio silence. But then, isn't that everyone's story?

Holly and I are anticipating a trip up north, leaving at a downright unseemly hour in order to jet through LA ahead of the perpetual traffic that seems to start at 6am and continue through til 10pm. I ask you, why is it that no one seems to have the impetus to apply tax dollars towards a mondo, time-saving overpass going directly from San Diego to the outlying regions of northern LA? This would solve so many problems. No exits; simply a direct overpass for those who have no need to stop and would rather just roll down the window and wave gleefully to the poor creepers below. Doubly beneficial; it would ease the down-below congestion so that residents could actually GET to where they wanted to go. I'd happily pay $5, nay, $10 to jump on and use it. Who do I call? You have to agree; it's a brilliant idea and we've certainly got the engineering wherewithal to pull it off.

I honestly don't understand what the big issues are with the traffic. Most often, there's no apparent reason for any sort of slowdown, but rather, people seem to engage in some sort of Vehicle Christmas Tree Light Competition to see who can get their brake lights blinking at siezure-inducing rates. Is this some part of LA culture that the rest of us aren't privvy to? Is it their ploy to keep the rest of the world's population discouraged from enjoying their beaches and pestering their movie stars? And haven't we all tried keeping up a skilled and patient 3 mph in the hopes that if we started a trend like that then slowly, it would catch on and at least everyone would be MOOOVING? The last time Heidi and I drove down from the Bay Area to SD, I was heard to be commenting loudly, "DON'T STEP ON THAT WIDE MIDDLE PEDAL UNLESS YOU REALLLLLLY MEAN IT." SO irritating. You can see why I'm insisting on a 4am departure time. Off we go.......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Candy, I loved this! So true, too. My favorite part, though, was your exclamation at the end. Definitely made me giggle conspicuously in the middle of my dorm lounge. :)